
In this tutorial, we will run a small experiment to evaluate the performance of [InCoder] on Rust with a small subset of the MBPP benchmarks. We will only fetch 20 completions per problem, so that you can run it quickly on a single machine.
You can also run on the full suite of benchmarks or substitute your own benchmark programs. Later, we’ll show you how to add support for other languages and evaluate other models.


  1. You will need Python 3.8 or higher.

  2. You will need to install some Python packages:

     pip3 install aiohttp numpy tqdm pytest datasets torch transformers
  3. You need to install one of Podman or Docker.

  4. Check out the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/nuprl/MultiPL-E
  5. Enter the repository directory:

    cd MultiPL-E

Using MultiPL-E

Out of the box, MultiPL-E supports several models, programming languages, and datasets. Using MultiPL-E is a two step process:

  1. We generate completions, which requires a GPU

  2. We execute the generated completions, which requires a machine that supports Docker or Podman.


The following command will generate completions for the HumanEval benchmark, which is originally in Python, but translated to Rust with MultiPL-E:

mkdir tutorial
python3 automodel.py --name bigcode/gpt_bigcode-santacoder --root-dataset humaneval --lang rs --temperature 0.2 --batch-size 20 --completion-limit 20 --output-dir-prefix tutorial


  1. This command requires about 13 GB VRAM and takes 30 minutes with a Quadro RTX 6000.
  2. If you have less VRAM, you can set --batch-size to a smaller value. E.g., with --batch-size 10 it should work on consumer graphics cards, such as the RTX series cards.
  3. If you’re feeling impatient, you can kill the command early (use Ctrl+C) before all generations are complete. Your results won’t be accurate, but you can move on to the evaluation step to get a partial result. Before proceeding, ensure that a few files have been generated:

    ls tutorial/*/*.json.gz


You can run MultiPL-E’s execution with or without a container, but we strongly recommend using the container that we have provided. The container includes the toolchains for all languages that we support. Without it, you will neeed to painstakingly install them again. There is also a risk that the generated code may do something that breaks your system. The container mitigates that risk.

Execution with a Container

When you first run evaluation, you need to pull and tag the execution container:

podman pull ghcr.io/nuprl/multipl-e-evaluation
podman tag ghcr.io/nuprl/multipl-e-evaluation multipl-e-eval

The following command will run execution on the generated completions:

podman run --rm --network none -v ./tutorial:/tutorial:rw multipl-e-eval --dir /tutorial --output-dir /tutorial --recursive

If execution is successful, you will see several .results.json.gz files alongside the .json.gz files that were created during generation:

ls tutorial/*/*.results.json.gz

Execution without a Container

Assuming you have setup the needed language toolchains, here is how you do executions without a container:

cd evaluation/src
python3 main.py --dir ../../tutorial --output-dir ../../tutorial --recursive

If execution is successful, you will see several .results.json.gz files alongside the .json.gz files that were created during generation:

ls ../../tutorial/*/*.results.json.gz

Analyzing Results

Finally, you can calculate the pass rates:

python3 pass_k.py ./tutorial/*

The experiment prints pass rates for k=1 as we only made 20 results at a temperature of 0.2. If you want to see pass@10 and pass@100 pass rates, use --temperature 0.8 and when you generate completions and remove the --completion-limit 20 flag.

Warning: In generation, we used --completion-limit 20 to only generate 20 samples for each prompt. You can remove this flag to generate 200 samples, which is typical, but can take 10 times longer. We have found that 20 samples is adequate for estimate pass@1. However, you need more samples to estimate pass@10 and pass@100.